9.1 Safety measures to be taken for repair and maintenance, including the safe isolation of shipboard machinery and equipment required before personnel are permitted to work on such machinery or equipment
9.1.1 Safe isolation of Maine engine for maintenance
- Close the starting air valve of the main engine and vent control air system. A good practice is to lock the main starting valve in its lowest position by means of the locking plate
- Close the valve for starting the air distribution system
- Engage the turning gear and check the indicator lamp
- After stopping the engine, wait a minimum of 15 minutes before stopping the main engine LO pump if work is to be undertaken in the crankcase.
- Keep the engine preheated to a minimum of 50°C or according to the main engine manual requirement
- If the engine was operating on HFO, do not stop the FO circulating and supply pumps. If the engine was operating on MDO, both the FO circulating and supply pumps may be stopped
- Switch off any equipment which is not required during the engine standstill period
- Engage turning gear
- Isolated Air starting system valve from air bottle
Keep clear of the space below a crane with load.
Before opening of cocks, always observe which way liquids, gases or flames will move, and keep clear.Diasmantling of parts may cause the release of springs.
- Removal of plugs may cause the release of pressurized fluids or gasses
- Do not stand near turbochargers in case of any abnormal running.
- Do not stand near crankcase doors or relief valve
- Keep clear of the space below a crane with load.
- Before opening of cocks, always observe which way liquids, gases or flames will move, and keep clear.
- Dismantling of parts may cause the release of springs.
- Removal of plugs may cause the release of pressurized fluids or gasses.
- Do not stand near turbochargers in case of any abnormal running.
- Do not stand near crankcase doors or relief valve
- Before engaging the turning gear, ensure that the starting air supply is shut off, the main starting and slow turning valves are blocked, and that the indicator cocks are open. When the turning gear is engaged, check that the indicator lamp “Turning gear in” has switched on.
Safe isolation of Maine generator engine for maintenance
- Before starting any maintenance work on the alternator, all safety precaution should be taken.
- The alternator should be shut and locked down.
- Post notice and ply cards on relevant places and alternator heater to be isolated.
- Clean the alternator ventilation passage and air filter.