
Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (CHEMCO)

Course Topics

  • DGS-CHEMCO: Specialised Training Programme on Chemical Tanker Operations
  • Introduction
  • Categorisation of Tankers and International Regulations
  • Cargoes in Chemical Tankers
  • Production and use of Liquid Chemicals
  • Definitions
  • Chemistry and Physics
  • Physical Properties of Cargoes
  • Structure of Atom
  • Atomic Weight
  • Molecular Weight
  • Density/Specific gravity
  • Viscosity
  • Vapour Pressure
  • Boiling Point
  • Freezing point / Melting Point
  • Chemistry of Cargoes and Laboratory theories
  • pH
  • Acids, Bases and Salts
  • Solubility
  • Sublimation
  • Exothermic /Endothermic Reactions
  • Combustion
  • Conditions Required for Combustion
  • Types of Combustion
  • Flammable Limits
  • Challenges of Carriage Affected by Properties
  • Hazards
  • Hazards of Bulk Liquids
  • Hydrogen Sulphide
  • Health hazards
  • Reactivity Hazards
  • Toxicity hazards
  • Corrosion hazards
  • Vapour leaks and clouds
  • Flammability hazards
  • Explosion hazards
  • Electrostatic hazards
  • Principles of Electrostatics
  • Other sources of Electrostatic Hazards
  • General Precautions against Electrostatic Hazards
  • Slip and Fall Hazards
  • Hazards due to Carbon Monoxide
  • Hazards to the environment
  • Knowledge of hazard controls
  • Inerting
  • Nitrogen padding
  • Atmospheric control
  • Venting of cargo
  • Cargo segregation
  • Cargo inhibition
  • Cargo Compatibility
  • Gas Testing
  • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  • Rules and Regulations
  • International Bulk Chemical codes
  • MARPOL Annex II
  • Categorization and listing of noxious liquid
  • Surveys
  • Duration and validity of the Certificate
  • Design, Construction, Equipment and Opera
  • Procedures and Arrangements Manual (P&A Manual)
  • Reception Facilities and Cargo unloading terminal arrangements
  • Discharge Criteria for Annex II
  • Certification and Surveys
  • Summary
  • Ship design and Cargo Containment
  • Ship Arrangements
  • Ship survival capability
  • Construction for Cargo Segregation
  • Cargo Tank arrangements
  • Cargo Containment
  • Entries in Chapter 17 of IBC
  • Product list as per Chapter 18 of IBC
  • Cargo Handling Systems
  • Tanks, Piping and Valves
  • Pipelines and equipment of Chemical Tanka
  • Tank materials and coatings
  • Cargo Tank Coatings and Maintenance
  • Stainless Steel in Chemical Tanker construction
  • Cargo tank vent Systems
  • Pumps and unloading Systems
  • Pumps
  • Framo Systems
  • Framo Pumps
  • Stripping, Purging and vacuum draining
  • Some operational tips
  • Cofferdam and Purging routine
  • Hydraulic System
  • Speed Torque Controller Valve (STC valve)
  • Power packs
  • Portable Framo pump
  • Marflex systems
  • Marflex pump arrangements
  • Remote Access
  • Portable Pumps
  • Eductors
  • Stripping Systems
  • Cargo heating System
  • Tank washing and slops retaining systems
  • Product Gas Evolution and Dispersion
  • Evolution During Loading and discharging
  • Gas Dispersion
  • Inert Gas System
  • Instrumentation
  • Cargo measurement systems
  • Safety and Pollution Prevention
  • Tank atmosphere evaluation
  • Multi-gas Instruments
  • Oxygen analyser
  • Fire Prevention and Equipment
  • Fire Safety and Fire Fighting operations
  • Fire response organization
  • Fire hazards
  • Cargo handling
  • Transportation
  • Fire-fighting agents
  • Compatibility with chemical cargoes
  • Foam for Fire fighting
  • Fixed fire-fighting foam
  • Portable fire-fighting foam
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Effects of pollution
  • Procedures to prevent pollution
  • SMPEP-2
  • Event of spillage-Report relevant information
  • Spill-containment procedures
  • Protection and Safety Equipment
  • Safety equipment
  • Breathing apparatus
  • Evacuating equipment
  • Protective clothing
  • Protective equipment
  • Breathing apparatus and resuscitation equipment
  • Rescue and escape equipment
  • Basic knowledge of safe working practices
  • Entering enclosed spaces
  • Repair and maintenance work
  • Hot and cold work
  • Electrical safety
  • First-Aid Actions
  • Cargo handling and Ballast Operations
  • Cargo Planning
  • Cargo considerations
  • Voyage planning and stowage guidelines
  • Cargo information
  • Cargo Sampling
  • Preparations for Loading
  • Procedures for Loading
  • Precautions during loading
  • Loading different cargoes and care during loading
  • Cargo Measurements and Calculation
  • Cargo Conditioning during transport
  • Use of Nitrogen for cargo conditioning
  • Discharging Plans and Procedures
  • Ship-to-Ship Transfer
  • Discharging, Stripping and pre-wash operations with NLS
  • Ballasting and deballasting
  • Tank Cleaning Operations
  • Tank Cleaning- General
  • Tank Cleaning for Inert and Non Inert Tanks
  • Precautions for Tank Cleaning Operations
  • Tank cleaning standards
  • Intertanko standards
  • Tank Cleaning Procedures and disposal of Slops
  • Tank cleaning methods-Chemical Tankers
  • Tank Cleaning Equipment and Pre-cleaning
  • Final Cleaning for Noxious Liquid Cargo
  • Tank Cleaning - Good Practices
  • Tank washing and slops handling
  • Shore Reception facilities
  • Gas-freeing of cargo tanks
  • Gas Freeing Operations
  • Cargo Tank Ventilation systems
  • Test for Cleanliness
  • Wall Wash Inspection of Tanks
  • Wall Wash Inspection - Pros and Cons
  • Alternate Inspection Process
  • Technology Applications and Developments
  • Ship/Shore Interface
  • Shore Reception facilities-2
  • Emergency Operations
  • Emergency Plan - Cargo Operations
  • Emergency alarms
  • Emergency organisation
  • Action on discovering an emergency
  • Emergency Reporting System
  • Type of Emergencies on board
  • Fire
  • Collision
  • Grounding
  • Equipment failure
  • Emergency shutdown of cargo-handling
  • Emergency systems for closing cargo tanks
  • References

DGS-CHEMCO: Specialised Training Programme on Chemical Tanker Operations

DGS-CHEMCO: Specialised Training Programme on Chemical Tanker Operations
The year 2019 represents the seventh year of an extended upcycle in global chemical markets - characterized by robust demand, tight supply, and strong profitability. Slowing economic growth in the early 2020s, however, represents a threat to strong chemical market conditions. As the industry rides a wave of high profits, The "IHS Safety at sea magazine, identified the emergence of several trends that will reshape refining and chemicals industries during the 2020s:
  • Mobility trends and refinery/petrochemical integration: A forecasted decline in the rate of growth for transportation fuels is causing many refining companies to re-think their petrochemical strategy, seeking a higher conversion of crude oil into chemical products.
  • Plastics recycling and waste: these are perhaps the most critical issues that will influence the industry during the 2020s. Globally, communities are exploring bans on single-use plastic applications, while the visual of plastics waste in the oceans is now an international media issue. A slowdown in demand growth for commodity plastics resulting from increased recycling and application bans, must now be considered in long-term forecasting.
  • Evolution of the Chinese chemical industry: The solidification of China as a global force in chemicals continues, as many changes are occurring in China's domestic market. Key areas to watch include: economic transition, environmental protection, fuel standards, private ownership, self-sufficiency goals, conventional/non-conventional technology, capital cost advantage, an advancing specialty chemical sector, and international trade ambitions.
  • Heavy-versus-light feedstock competitive environment: Crude-to-chemicals technology is emerging in all regions while investments in gas-based chemicals in North America continue. Regional competitiveness will be significantly influenced by the price of crude oil. Ethane is no longer a "trapped" feedstock in North America, as companies have invested in the infrastructure to bring this low-cost feedstock to the international market. 
The forecast by Radiant insight Inc.,  for the Global Chemical Tanker Shipping Market is expected to reach USD 2.23 trillion by 2020. Growth of global GDP on account of rapid industrialization in Asia Pacific and Latin America is expected to drive global chemical tanker shipping market. Shale gas boom particularly in the U.S., Canada and China is also expected to have a positive influence on the market growth. Rapid development of shale gas is expected to raise production level of organic chemicals which in turn is expected to fuel global chemical tanker shipping market. Large number of upcoming refinery and petrochemical integration projects particularly in the Middle East is expected to drive the future market. 
All these forecasts and trends show that there will be continuing/expanding demand for chemical tanker officers on these ships. However, there is no other way to have expertise in chemical tanker operations other than by hands-on board a chemical tanker. Chemical tanker ships are very different and with each new cargo you have to think you are on a different ship. This is because the requirements for both safety preparedness and cargo stowage  changes with the types of cargo that you carry.
Chemical Tanker Cargoes
Continuing growth of the Chemical Tanker Industry
General Learning Objectives
After going through this course, student should be able to,
  • Know the categorization of chemical tanker and cargoes carried on those
  • Describe the production and use of liquid chemicals
  • Understand physical and chemical properties of chemical cargoes and their significance for cargo carriage
  • Understand some key physical and chemical properties of chemical cargoes carried on Chemical Tankers
  • Understand physical and chemical properties of chemicals 
  • Describe the changes that can occur in chemical cargoes due to changes in chemical properties during transportation
  • Understand the various hazards involving bulk chemical cargoes on board
  • Know the various hazard control methods such as interting, applicable to chemical cargoes
  • Understand the International Bulk Chemical Codes and their implications on vessel operation
  • Know the requirements of MARPOL Annex II requirements for carrying chemicals
  • Describe the various types of ship classifications and survival capacity
  • Know the cargo tank constructional features and various tank fittings
  • Know the configuration for tanks, piping and valves for a chemical tanker
  • Know the cargo tank venting system
  • Describe the various types of cargo coating and constructional materials for chemical carriers
  • Explain the pump operations and the unloading systems
  • Know the cargo heating requirements and systems used for that purpose
  • Know the tank washing/slop retention system
  • Explain the process of tank atmosphere evaluation and the gas measuring equipment used
  • Know the fire prevention  and equipment systems as used on a chemical tanker
  • Know the environmental pollution and spill prevention control systems and procedures on board a chemical carrier
  • Know the protection and safety equipment used on a chemical tanker and their applications on board a chemical tanker
  • Explain the cargo planning processes for chemical tanker and NLS cargo
  • Describe the procedures for loading and preparations for loading
  • Explain the cargo measurement techniques and calculation for cargo transfer
  • Describe the need for cargo conditioning during transport
  • Describe the unloading plan and procedures
  • Explain the stripping and prewash operations with NLS cargoes
  • Describe the ballasting and deballasting procedures
  • Explain the instruments used including the cargo measurement equipment
  • Explain the cargo tank cleaning procedure and disposal of slops
  • Describe gas-freeing of cargo tanks
  • Describe the tests for cleanliness of cargo tanks