
Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (TASCO)

Course Topics

  • DGS-TASCO Specialised Training Programme on Oil Tanker Operations
  • Introduction
  • Bulk Transportation of Oil Cargo
  • Tankers and the oil market dynamics
  • Definitions
  • IOPP Form B
  • International and national regulations concerning oil tankers
  • Particularly sensitive sea areas
  • MARPOL 1973/78
  • MARPOL Annexes
  • Introduction to IMDG Code (under Annex 3)
  • Sewage System (under Annex 4)
  • Discharge of Garbage (under Annex 5)
  • Sulfur Oxides (SOx) and Particulate Matter (under Annex 6)
  • SOLAS 1974
  • Contents of SOLAS
  • BWM 2004
  • OPRC 1990
  • US Oil Pollution Act 1990 (OPA 90)
  • OPA Explained
  • Administering OPA 90
  • OPA 90 Required Equipment on Board
  • National Regulations concerning oil tankers
  • Basic properties of petroleum and its Hazards
  • Basic physics
  • Properties of petroleum
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Hazards associated with carriage of petroleum
  • Hazards of Dangerous Liquid Cargo
  • Hazards of Bulk Liquids
  • Hydrogen Sulfide
  • Health Hazards
  • Reactivity Hazards
  • Toxicity Hazards
  • Corrosion Hazards
  • Vapor Leaks and Clouds
  • Flammability and Explosion Hazards
  • Combustion
  • Conditions Required for Combustion
  • Types of Combustion
  • Slip and Fall Hazards
  • Flammable Limits
  • Hazards due to Carbon Monoxide
  • Hazards to the Environment
  • Basic Knowledge of Hazard Controls
  • Venting Systems
  • Venting of Tanks
  • Safety
  • Entry into enclosed spaces
  • Testing Tank Atmospheres for Oxygen and Hydrocarbon Vapors
  • Definition and Hazards of Confined Spaces
  • Cargo Tanks and Pump room
  • Evaluation and Assessment of Risks and Hazards
  • Enclosed Space Rescue, Entering Enclosed Space
  • Precautions against electrostatic hazards
  • Working with Electrical Equipment
  • Electrical and Electronic Systems Operating in Flammable Areas
  • Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas
  • Sources of Static Electricity
  • Impressed current system
  • Impressed Current Cathodic Protection
  • Sacrificial Anodes
  • Explosion proof fittings
  • Loading Static Accumulator Oils
  • Gas indicators
  • Measurement of Hydrocarbon Concentration
  • Flammable Gas Monitors (Explosimeter)
  • Non-Catalytic Heated Filament Gas Indicators
  • Tankscope
  • Inferometer (Refractive Index Meter)
  • Infra-red (IR) Instruments
  • Measurement of Low Concentrations of Toxic Gases
  • Electrochemical Sensors
  • Fixed Gas Detection Installations
  • Oxygen Analyzer
  • Measurement of Oxygen Concentrations
  • Multi-Gas Instruments
  • Draeger–Tube System
  • Personal Gas Monitors
  • Filters in Sample Lines
  • Sampling Procedures
  • Lifeboats on Oil Tankers
  • Firefighting principles
  • Fire hazards and prevention
  • Firefighting by foam
  • First-Aid with Reference to MSDS
  • Treatment and Prevention
  • Protective equipment
  • Maintenance of PPE
  • Dangers of Skin Contact
  • Inspections by marine chemists and competent persons
  • SIRE
  • Hot Work Precaution and Process
  • Tanker Safety Culture and Safety Management
  • The Role of Safety Culture in Preventing ‘Accidents’
  • TMSA
  • Connecting sequence and precautions during operations
  • Start-up sequence
  • Normal operations
  • Port State Control
  • Key Features and Measurement of an Effective Safety Culture
  • Reporting Accidents, Near Misses and Non-conformities
  • Assessment of Safety Culture
  • SMS and the Safety Culture
  • Development of Positive Safety Culture
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Operational Pollution
  • Precautions while carrying out any oil operations
  • Oil Record Book
  • Action in case of Oil spills
  • Precautions to be taken to prevent accidental pollution by oil
  • Air Pollution
  • Annex VI
  • ECA and SECA
  • IAPP Certificates, Contents, Validity and annex
  • Segregated Ballast Tanks
  • Oil Tanker Design and Equipment
  • Construction of Oil Tankers
  • Tank Coatings
  • Types of Paint
  • Structure of paint and purpose of each constituent
  • Common paint vehicles - Drying oils, oleo resins, alkyd resins, polymerizing chemicals, Bitumen and suitability of each for various applications.
  • Cargo Tanks
  • Water Ballast Tanks
  • Pumping, Piping and discharge arrangements
  • Expansion Systems
  • Cargo piping and discharge arrangements
  • Bottom Lines
  • Drop Lines
  • Cargo Pump room piping
  • Deck lines
  • Valves for the cargo system-Quick-closing-Remote-control &Valve Remote Control Systems
  • Pneumatic
  • Pressure-vacuum
  • Cargo line valves
  • Cargo Heating System
  • Cargo Heating Arrangements
  • Cargo Heating Plans and Procedures
  • Venting arrangements
  • Level Gauges
  • Closed Gauges
  • Electric Resistance Gauge
  • Overfill detection and other devices
  • Modern integrated gauging systems
  • The Cargomaster System
  • Oil Tanker Operations
  • General precautions
  • Loading and discharging operations
  • Hooking up of cargo hose, loading arms, and grounding-strap
  • Grounding Strap
  • Loading operations
  • Discharging operations
  • Cargo Measurement Systems
  • Temperature and Volume Corrections
  • Cargo Calculation Procedures
  • Working with API Gravity at 60 deg F
  • Working with Density at 15 deg C in air
  • Ballasting and deballasting
  • Tank Cleaning
  • Slop-tank operation
  • Purging and gas freeing
  • Cargo Sampling
  • Vapor Control Systems
  • Purpose
  • Principles
  • Hazards
  • Active system components
  • Passive system components
  • Tanker Systems for VEC
  • Terminal/Shore Facilities for Vapor Control
  • Thermal Oxidation
  • Vapor Recovery and Reduction Systems
  • Operating procedures with VOC
  • Pre-transfer procedures
  • Connecting sequence and precautions during operations
  • Loadlines, draft and trim of oil tankers
  • Stability and stress considerations with loading and discharging
  • Effect of Liquid Cargo on trim, stability and structural integrity
  • Pump Theory and Pumping Systems
  • Centrifugal cargo pumps
  • Reciprocating Pump
  • Submersible Pump
  • Deepwell Pump
  • Framo Pump
  • Stripping, Purging and vacuum draining
  • Portable FRAMO Pump
  • Eductors
  • Pump Operation
  • Pump Characteristics
  • Pressure Surge
  • Operating Measures and Precautions
  • Pressure Surge in pipelines
  • Pressure Surge Phenomena
  • Emergency procedures
  • Emergency Plan
  • Ship/shore liaison
  • Emergency organisation
  • Action on discovering an emergency
  • Emergency Reporting System
  • Type of Emergencies on board
  • Fire
  • Collision
  • Grounding
  • Equipment failure
  • Structural failure
  • Understanding Structural Failures
  • Detection and Treatment of Structural Failure
  • Emergency discharge of cargo
  • Jettisoning Challenges
  • Emergency shutdown of cargo-handling
  • Emergency systems for closing cargo tanks
  • Boiler Combustion Control
  • Combustion Process
  • Air Register
  • Types of Burner
  • Steam atomizer
  • Automatic Combustion Control System
  • Auxiliary Boiler Safety
  • Inert Gas Systems
  • Inert gas system and its components
  • Deck Seal unit
  • Operations
  • Maintenance and testing
  • Inert Gas Generators
  • IG for product carriers
  • Crude Oil Washing
  • COW system and its components
  • Stripping systems
  • Operations-2
  • Sludge and Sediment management
  • Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System
  • Oil discharge
  • Monitoring and control system
  • Oil and water mixture
  • Oil/water Interface Detector
  • Helicopter Operations
  • Ship requirements
  • Weather Conditions
  • Responsibilities
  • Ship-to-Ship Transfer
  • STS Regulations
  • STS Transfer of Oil Cargo
  • Vapor balancing for STS
  • Tanker Mooring
  • Double Hull Tankers
  • Design and Stability of Double-Hull Tank Vessels
  • Intact and Damaged Stability for Double-hull ships
  • Case of Listing of Double Hull Tanker during Cargo Operation
  • Oil pollution Liabilities and Compensations
  • LLMC 1976
  • Bunkers Convention 2001
  • CLC 1969
  • Fund Convention 1971
  • HNS 2010
  • Intervention 1969
  • Transportation Losses and Commercial aspects of Tanker Operations
  • Issues on cargo measurements
  • Ship/Shore cargo figures
  • In-transit losses and their causes

DGS-TASCO Specialised Training Programme on Oil Tanker Operations

DGS-TASCO: Specialised Training Programme on Oil Tanker Operations



The course Meets the Standards of competence, required by Section A-V/1, table A-V/1-1-2 of the STCW Code for Advanced Oil Tanker Cargo Operations. Students attending this course will already have the Oil and Chemical Tanker familiarisation course certificate.


General Learning Objectives

·         After going through this course, students should be able to,

·         Understand the physical and chemical properties of petroleum cargo that are carried on oil tankers

·         Know the constructional features of tankers carrying petroleum cargoes

·         Know the details of the vessel arrangements and the cargo containment systems

·         Know the various types of cargo handling systems

·         Know the shipboard instruments and systems for safety, calibration, detection and vessel operations

·         Know the vessel's auxiliary systems of cargo heating, tank ventilation and inerting systems

·         Know the various processes involved in cargo operation, e.g., loading, discharging, ballasting 

·         Know the operating procedure for inerting, gas-freeing and testing cargo tank atmosphere

·         Know the effects on Loadline, draft, and trim for oil tanker operations

·         Understand the responsibilities for emergencies and notice procedures to authorities

·         Understand the effect on stability and stress considerations with loading and discharging of oil cargoes

·         Understand the local and international rules and regulations concerning vessel operations

·         Know the shipboard procedures to prevent pollution from tankers

·         Understand the principles and procedures for crude oil washing

·         Understand the principles and procedures for Inert Gas System

·         Understand the principles and procedures for Vapour Control System

·         Know the working of the cargo hazard information system and the possible hazards on board

·         Know the process of safe entry to enclosed spaces

·         Know the personal protective equipment and procedures for personal safety

·         Know the hazards presented by electrical equipment and electrostatic hazards from static electricity

·         Know the emergency procedures to be followed under emergency situations on board

·         Understand the national and international standards and industry guidelines for vessel operations

·         Know the process involved for Inspections by marine chemists and competent persons, including hot-work permits