Indian Merchant Shipping Act
Registration of ships: The certificate of registry and its legal significance.
Engagement,discharge and management of crew. Manning scales and certification. Contracts of employment, wages and other remuneration, advances, allotments, payment into bank accounts. Descriptions, deceased seamen, engagement of substitutes, repatriation, assisting and repatriating Indian seamen distressed abroad
The official log book and the law relating to entries. Offences relating to misconduct, to endangering ship and against persons on board. Discipline and treatment of disciplinary offences. Civil liability for certain offences. Trade disputes involving seamen. The official log book entriesand records in freeboard draft and allowances
Crew accommodation. Hygiene of the ship and welfare of the crew. Outline knowledge of the regulations relating to medical stores. Inspection and reports. Fresh water and provisions. Procedures in cases of infectious disease, illness or accidents. Maritime declarations of health. Port health requirements. International agreements and measures to prevent the spread of disease by shipping
Crew accommodation. Hygiene of the ship and welfare of the crew. Outline knowledge of the regulations relating to medical stores. Inspection and reports. Fresh water and provisions. Procedures in cases of infectious disease, illness or accidents. Maritime declarations of health. Port health requirements. International agreements and measures to prevent the spread of disease by shipping
The safety of the ship, crew and passengers. Assistance of vessels in distress and salvage. Master’s duties in the case of collision or any other accident. Master’s role in collecting evidence after an accident. Lodging protests etc. Inquiries and Investigation
The law relating to the reporting of ice, derelict, tropical revolving storms and other dangers to navigation
Outline knowledge of the rules made under the Merchant Shipping Act
Certificates and other documents required to be carried on Passenger ships, tankers, Gas carriers, Chemical carriers, Car/Truck carriers, Bulk carriers. Procedures to obtain the above mentioned certificates and the period of their validity. Other Trading certificates (Suez and Panama Canal certificate, CFR) that are required to be carried on board
Inward and outward clearance, Immigration clearance, quarantine clearance (FAL Convention)
Methods of dealing with stowaways, hijacking of ships, armed robbery / piracy, smuggling and other custom offences, drug and alcohol policy and its enforcement
Master – Pilot relationship: Exchange of information, responsibilities. Compulsory and optional pilotage. Bridge Team Management while under pilotage. Legal implications if an incident occurs when under pilotage.
Economics of sea transport theory of international trade, general structure of shipping industry relationship between ship-owner, agent, stevedore, charterer, shipper and broker. Detailed knowledge of voyage estimates including cargo calculations involving deadweight, loadline zones, consumables and constants taking into account various charges, receipts and establishing economic viability
A general knowledge of shipping practice and documents with particular reference to charter parties and its Main clauses, bills of lading and its Main clauses and mates receipts for various types of ships and trades including tanker practice, meaning of the terms used in chartering practice such as AFRA, WORLDSCALE,INCOTERMS
An understanding of the main clauses in a contract of affreightment including freight, deviation, always afloat, ice, lay days, demurrage and dispatch including calculations involving lay days, charter party, etc. The law relating to the carriage of cargo and ship-owners’, liabilities and responsibilities. Protests, cargo surveys, certificates of seaworthiness. Hague rules, Hague – Visby rules, Hamburg rules, Rotterdam Rules COGSA, Multimodal Transport Act. Handling of claims and disputes related to Charter parties.
Outline knowledge of the expressed and implied conditions and statutory terms contained in a contract of marine insurance. Institute clauses. An understanding of principles and practice of the terms; particular average, general average. Procedure at a port of refuge. Lloyd’s agents. Average adjusters. P & I clubs, LOF 2000, LOF 2011, Scopic clause. Warranties, CLC, Fund convention, York-Antwerp rules.
International institutions:
Latest changes in national and international maritime legislation pertaining to SOLAS, MARPOL, Load line and STCW
Control procedures:
Classification surveys, Flag State Control, Port State Control, Charterer’s vetting inspections, inspections by port terminal authorities, Condition surveys.
Port State Control: Working and targeting by various MOUs; “Clear grounds” to conduct detailed inspection; Identification of sub standard ships; “Detention” of ships. Common deficiencies observed as reported by the various MOUs annually
Principles and practice of modern ship management -ISPS Code, ISM Code, methods to prevent human errors on ship, Human Resource Development
Casualty Investigation Code (Guidelines on fair treatment of seafarers in event of a maritime accident). Criminalisation of seafarers: Seafarers Rights under a Casualty investigation. Case Studies. Reporting procedures for Incidents. Writing Reports
Musters and drills, distress/urgency/safety messages. Avoidance of False distress alerts and action in case of false distress alert. Search and Rescue, steps to be taken when disabled & in distress, assisting a ship or aircraft in distress. IAMSAR
Place of refuge procedures. Wreck, Salvage and their legal implications
Lighterage operations, Ocean Towing. Duties and responsibilities of Towing & Towed vessel, Communications and exchange of information between towing and towed vessel. Emergency Towing arrangements; Maritime Assistance Service on Indian coast (when applicable)
Emergency Response Procedures:
Fire in Port & at Sea, grounding, collision, collision mats, Pollution, Flooding, Engine failure, Listing, Beaching, Steering failure, refloating of vessel. Man-overboard, Helicopter Rescue Operation; Leakages and spills of dangerous cargo; Rescue of victims from enclosed spaces; Rescue of Survivors from another vessel or sea
Case Studies:
(Recent casualties such as MSC Chitra and Khalijia 3, M.V.Tosa, Hebei Spirit and Samsung crane barge, Herald of Free Enterprise, Cosco Busan)
Anchoring & Berthing under the effect of tide / wind in shallow / deep waters, use of Anchors, squat, interaction between ships / shore, transverse Thrust & turning the ship short round, pivot point, dragging / dredging anchors; Different types of tugs and use/limitation of each; Berthing with/ without tugs under various conditions of wind, current and tide. Effectiveness of bow and stern thrusters
Manoeuvring and handling of ship in all conditions; Ship’s manoeuvring characteristics; Wheelhouse poster; Emergency stopping manoeuvres, crash stop, rudder cycling. Synchronous rolling, Parametric rolling, wind heeling criteria for high freeboard ships; Picking up Pilot; Manoeuvring in and near Traffic Separation Schemes and VTS areas; STS Operations
Environmental Protection:
Marpol Annexes I to VI, SOPEP/SMPEP, Vessel Response Plan, oil record book. Ballast Water Management, OPA 90 & NPDES. (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System of U.S.A.)
Operating in ice:
Basic ship handling in ice, sighting of ice / open water, working through ice, navigation in ice. High latitude Navigation – procedures & precaution. Polar Code. effects of ice accretion on stability of vessel
Safety Management:
Case studies on Risk Assessment; Managing Risk on board; Briefings / debriefings and toolbox meetings;
Case studies for Safety on deck in rough weather;
On-board Training;
Incidents related to Enclosed Space Entry Procedures; Hot Work Procedures
Damage Stability Criteria and Damage stability booklet
Proper assessment of damage stability condition – using ETAS (Emergency Technical Assistance Service) provided by classification societies. An understanding of the information required to be passed on for assessment of Damage Stability
Weather Routeing and Voyage Planning; Procedures for selection of an optimum route; Various weather routeing services available to shipping; Vessel Performance curves, hind-cast charts;
Various ship plans used in Cargo Loading / discharging, dry docking, Grounding, Dry-docking both intact and with damage; Preparation of Repair Specifications
COLREGS, related case studies and Interaction with participants
Ship Recycling Convention: Hazardous Materials inventory, Green Passport
Global Warming and climate change, Greenhouse effect, Carbon credit, Kyoto protocol
Dangerous Goods: Recent amendments to IMDG code