Course Overview and Objectives
Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
The PSSR course is designed to give a basic induction in safety procedures and accident prevention and to familiarize one with the working environment on board merchant ships. The course will meet the competency and training requirements of Section A-VI/1 and Table A VI/1-4 of the STCW Code, as amended in 2010.
The course contains a number of areas:
Personal well-being; Safe Working Practice; Stress in workplace; Emergency Procedures; Prevention of pollution in the marine environment; Shipboard organization and understanding shipboard duties; Effective human relationships on board vessels; Human element; Drug, alcohol and sexual abuse.
Pollution is a common enemy of mankind; and while the land based pollution has been causing global warming in a more significant way, as a seafarer you do have a serious responsibility to preserve the purity of the sea and make sure it is not polluted because of human action onboard. Any major pollution from ship not only creates environmental disorder, it is also prohibited by law; violation of which could create prison terms for crew apart from the ship being fined in millions of dollars.
Personnel joining ships must understand how the ship is manned and commanded. There is no room for misunderstanding orders and instructions which could create accidents. In doing the shipboard duty, one needs to be aware of the cultural and gender differences amongst crew members and learn to live and work with different personalities within the confines of the ship; abide by company procedures and follow legal, moral and ethical codes of behavior.
General Learning Objectives
After completing this topic, you should be able to,
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